Lead From the Front

Lead From the Front
June 29, 2020 Virtual Consulting

By Gideon Malherbe, VCI Founding Partner

Executive leadership around the world continues its new-world mandate to maneuver through the ever-changing pandemic. Sadly, the first green sprouts of a post-Covid world were summarily squashed last week with total coronavirus cases passing 10 million and health experts estimating the true number to be at least 10 times that.

We do Scenarios to help your leadership team stay ahead of the unfolding dilemma, including most, if not all, of the consequential industrial effects. Scenarios underwrite a common understanding of reality for the whole leadership team. Most importantly, the leadership team is also deeply involved in developing playbooks for each individual Scenario.

On the technology front, we’ve seen the use of social distancing platforms evolve rapidly. People have become overwhelmingly positive about working remotely and in virtual teams. Technology-oriented and platform companies are even more optimistic about virtual working, with most agreeing that the pros outweigh the cons.

So, in this regard, here are some topics for change:

  • Rethink structure and office obligations and intelligently work toward virtual teams for the long run. Design intermediate (and safe) office visits to calibrate the human side of teaming.
  • Work at succeeding with remote engagements with your customers, professional service providers and vendors. It’s your obligation to make the experience for them better than analog meetings. Exchange the cost of travel for developing internal competencies.
  • Make your company’s virtual teamwork a true competitive advantage in the market. You are directly responsible for this. “Good enough” is not sufficient.

We’re often reminded that virtual teams are not well managed. However, recent anecdotal reports tell us productivity of remote workers is definitely up. With a decent set of Scenarios, change management is less of a hit-and-miss than you might think. And if your new leadership behaviors are tethered to your Scenarios, you’re in the best possible position to motivate the required changes and lead from the front.

Let’s get in touch:

Call or text +1 914-381-0000

Or email gideon.malherbe@govci.com