Is Your Digital Strategy Stuck?

Is Your Digital Strategy Stuck?
July 10, 2018 Virtual Consulting

Partner’s View by: Gideon Malherbe, VCI Founding Partner

True Digital Transformation is ultimately about optimizing the performance of the company. This obviously includes leveraging technology and going digital, but that’s not all. There are other critical and strategic elements involved in true digital transformation. Creating and implementing a successful digital strategy is much more than expanding your apps into your user base, or lowering the cost of transactions through automation, or appointing project teams to “go figure it out.” It’s all of the above, and then some.


Many organizations that have embarked on digital transformation are finding themselves stuck. They’ve fallen behind in their strategy objectives, or they’ve plateaued in their progress. Then management begins to sense panic. Some look for specific interventions to help them catch up or jump the curve.


At VCI, we experience the best digital transformation outcomes when clients take the time to wrap their arms around the full scope of the opportunity. We see the least success when digital transformation becomes an IT systems integration project – it is not. Digital transformation starts with an Assessment to establish a “one truth” and is followed by a proper Vision, Strategy and overall method for effective Change Management throughout the organization.